Torana Clean Air Centers locations, addresses, contact details

why buy your air purifiers and humidifiers from Torana?


We understand air quality, and can help you choose the right air purifier(s). We offer free air testing and needs assessment within Beijing. Talk to our helpful, English-speaking staff via phone or email.

Genuine Products

The products we sell are important for health, so making sure you get the genuine item is critical. We sell only genuine products, with full warranty ... which we will honor. We don't sell non-warranty imports, "factory seconds", ex-display models and so on. We have been in business in Beijing for more than 10 years, and you can be sure we will be here next year and the year after.

Genuine Spares

The sale of 3rd party look-alike filters has become a big problem. Make sure you get genuine filters by buying from Torana.


The full range of Blueair air purifiers, including the Torana-exclusive models


Air purifiers delivered free of charge with the convenience of paying on your doorstep with our mobile credit card facility, replacement filter reminder and delivery service keeps your purifier(s) running at maximum efficiency

Unbeatable price

We guarantee the lowest price and best deal on Blueair air purifiers

Torana Clean Air Center in Beijing: Europlaza Mall, Shunyi district

Europlaza is opposite the new International Exhibition Center: our store is in the basement near the supermarket. If you need directions please call our store telephone (below). Parking is available. If you live far from our store we can still deliver air cleaners to you with no delivery charge with just a phone call or email.

Unit LB09, basement level, Europlaza Mall, Tian Zhu district, Shunyi.

Phone 010-8459 0785, open 10.00am-8.30pm daily

Torana Clean Air Center at Central Park, CBD district

Our Central Park store is near to the Jamaica Blue Coffee Shop: from the yellow "horse" sculpture in the central area walk in the direction of the Lime Cafe and then past the Cafe and the Coffee shop and our store is right there (see map below).

Phone 010-6597 9986, open 10.30am - 7pm daily

email: [email protected]

address Torana Clean Air Center Central Park Beijing map